Web, digital and social all for your goals

We manage methods and technologies open source, we can put the mainly programming language at your service to let you have the most from the Internet and its potentialities. We have a great expertise in everything that is digital and social and we decline it in a very “human” way.
We realize tailored web solutions in different fields:

  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • E-commerce
  • E-learning
  • CRM marketing B2B or B2C

We walk alongside our clients following every steps of the email marketing campaign: from the building of the database according to the campaign target (acquisition, selection and profiling of the contacts) to the message copywriting, from the email sending to the reports monitoring until the following recall action.

We sustain our Client in the building and keeping of a presence marketing activity on the main (and not only the main) Social Media.

Our solutions are tought to meet our customers needs and they can be totally tailored or be based on the main available CMS, easily up-datable directly by the clients such as Joomla, Drupal, Magento and Moodle.

"The web is more a social creation than a technical one"

Tim Berners-Lee