New Companies in Progress: the specialized assistance of a pool of consultants with strong expertise in the small business start up


  • Provide support and service tools to the Start Up Companies
  • Foster the creation of a positive business culture in the small business and craftsmanship field
  • Spread the correct usage of the Business Plan, intended as a management and planning tool


This initiative is promoted by CNA, the national confederation of craftsmanship and middle-small businesses, within a wider project supported by Regione and Unioncamere Lombardia. The service provides to potential entrepreneurs, resident in Lombardia, the opportunity to have the assistance of some expert consultants. The purpose was to reward and promote good ideas with the potentiality to become good businesses.
Every participants got a hours’ pack of one2one consultancy aimed to:

  • Elaborate the overall project at the basis of the new company (idea development, strategy, competitive positioning, economic  and financial feasibility…)
  • Acquire specific information about law, subsidisez credit and financial tools for craftsmanship activities
  • Fill a submit the applications for regional, national and community funds
  • Give support from a bureaucratic, fiscal and legal point of view for the constitution of a new craftsmanship firm

KAOS besides developing the model to redact the Business Plan, supported the aspirant entrepreneurs during the elaboration of their project, encouraging them or deterring them, depending on the quality of their plan.

What's more 
The strong point of the model proposed lie in the construction of a guided path in stages which simplifies the Business Plan building and the business experience simulation.